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International Law and International Organizations

Ryzhov, V.B. Principles of the European policy of development facilitation.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of existing approaches to cooperation between the EU and the developing states and integrative structures of these states, as well as to the dynamics of such relations in the light of globalization of international relations.


Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, evropeiskoe pravo, Evropeiskii soyuz, pravo mezhdunarodnykh organizatsii, mezhdunarodnoe ekonomicheskoe pravo, printsipy evropeiskoi politiki sodeistviya razvitiyu, razvivayushchiesya strany, mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo Evrosoyuza, mezhdunarodnye svyazi Evrosoyuza

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1. international law, the EU law, the EU, law of international organizations, international economic law, regional integration unions, principles of the European policy of facilitation of development, developing states, international cooperation of the EU, international relations of the EU.