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International Law and International Organizations

Damirchiev, E.I. The Eurojust: practice of cooperation and perspectives of development.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of cooperation of the Eurojust in the sphere of fighting grave crimes in the EU territory. Much attention is paid to practical cooperation of the Eurojust with the member states, bodies and institutions of the EU, with the third party states, which are not member states of the EU, then the author analyzes the priority directions of development of the Eurojust.


Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Evropeiskaya organizatsiya pravosudiya (Evroyust), Evropeiskaya politseiskaya organizatsiya (Evropol), Evropeiskii politseiskii kolledzh (SEPOL), Evropeiskii obshche- stvennyi prokuror, Evropeiskaya Ugolovnaya Registratsiya prestuplenii (SEUR), Evropeiskii order na arest, Ob'edinennaya sledstvennaya gruppa (OSG)

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1. international law, the Eurojust, the OLAF, the Europol, the ECC, the СЕPOL, the European public prosecutor, the European Registration of Crimes, the European arrest warrant, the United Investigation Group.