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International Law and International Organizations

Kalamkaryan, R.A. The International Court of Justice as an administrative legal body for peaceful resolution of international disputes in the global community

Abstract: The article is devoted to the place and role of the ICJ as an administrative legal body for peaceful resolution of international disputes.


Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Mezhdunarodnyi sud, administrativno-pravovoi organ, organ pravosudiya, mezhdunarodno-pravovye spory, pasifikatsiya otnoshenii, mirovoe soobshchestvo, mirnoe razreshenie mezhdunarodnykh sporov, yuridicheskii kharakter spora, arbitrazhnoe razreshenie sporov.

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1. international law, the ICJ, administrative legal body, international legal disputes, pacification, global community, peaceful resolution of international disputes, legal character of disputes, arbitration resolution of disputes.