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International Law and International Organizations

Averina, K.N. Key directions of the policy in the sphere of forest protection.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical issues regarding key directions of the international policy in the sphere of forest protection. The author analyzes the key normative legal acts, various international organizations in the sphere in question.


Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Ekologicheskoe pravo, okhrana lesov, mezhdunarodnye organizatsii, OON, Komissiya OON po ustoichivomu razvitiyu, Mezhdunarodnyi god lesov, Vsemirnyi lesnoi kongress, Ekologicheskaya programma OON

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1. international law, ecological law, international organizations, the UN, the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, the International Year of Forests, The Global Forest Congress, the Ecological Program of the UN