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Culture and Art

Tlostanova, M. V. Post-Colonial Paradigm, De-Colonial Esthesis and Modern Art

Abstract: The article views the basic elements of postcolonial discourse which infl uenced development of mo dern art and its theories. The author gives a critical evaluation of the post-colonial paradigm comparing it to the de-colonial turn as a more perspective tendency in comprehension of modern culture, art and society. The author also compares the Western esthetics and esthesis as spheres of sensual perception of the world which needs de-conolization. The author also touches upon the question of understanding the actual art of post-Soviet space from the point of view of the de-colonial turn.


history of art, esthetics, esthesis, postcolonial paradigm, de-colonial turn, modern art, trickster, relational esthetics, global coloniality, Eurasian frontier.

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