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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Yu.M. Golovko About the Origins of the Doctrine of Equality in the John Adams’ Revolutionary Projects

Abstract: The North American state legal doctrine stems from the War of Independence, the task of the Founding Fathers was to devise political machinery that would enable the divergent aims of the colonies to be reconciled. The constitutionalism became the most important stumbling block between the mother country — the centre of the empire — and the colonies. The American Revolution had two main claims, the first one was creation of the autonomous states and the next one was the adoption of their written constitutions. The outstanding lawyer, the practicing jurist John Adams was among the most active Founding Fathers and two his law’s drafts were taken as a model for the constitutions of some American states.


J. Adams, constitutionalism, constitution, project, act, popular, sovereignty, democratic liberties, form, government, republic.

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