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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

N.G. Doronina Acute Problems of the Investment Legislation.

Abstract: The Article is devoted to the problems of investment regulation in Russian Federation. They are resolved in order to attract private investors to Russian capital market. The success of economic policy depends on the contents of investment regulation, namely: on how the rules of International Law are implemented into national legal system, on what instruments of civil legislation (contracts) investor may choose to reach his target. If the range of civil tools is broad enough that means that an investor has a good atmosphere to operate in accordance with the Law. The notion of «investment project» is a new technique in this field. It includes contractual and corporate forms of investments/ The aim to attract investments into Russian market cannot be achieved successfully without giving investor the possibility of access to ICSID Convention. The expectation of its ratification by Russian Federation is to long and this becomes another problem to be resolved.


investments, foreign direct investments, contractual forms of investments, investment disputes

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