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History magazine - researches

Ulyanova, G.N. Economical discourse in higher education schools of the Rrussian Empire: higher education institutions of the Ministry of Ttrade and Industry in the early twentieth century

Abstract: The article deals with the issue of funding of engineering and business schools in the Ministry of Trade and Industry system, which was after the Ministry of Education the second largest agency with a network of institutions of higher education. In the forced development of higher education in the early twentieth century there was a transition to a multivariate model of learning that is manifested in the coexistence of high schools with state-owned, public, private and mixed funding. Based on the analysis of a large amount of statistical data the article shows that the social basis of students’ democratized by freeing students from tuition fees, giving state and charitable grants.


history, colleges, Russia, financing, students, benefactors, scholarships, civil, modernization, economics

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