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Culture and Art

Makhmudova, P. G. Infl uence of Freudism Conceptions on Post-Modern Literature

Abstract: The author studies how Freudism conceptions infl uenced the artwork of the 20th century as well as art studies. Freudism conceptions of art by Jacques Lacan, Gilles Deleuze, Jean-François Lyotard, Manuel Serra, Julia Kristeva, Patrick Baudry and others were not only absorbed by post-modernism esthetics but proved their living ability in its framework. Having reconsidered the esthetical experience of the basic neo-Freudian schools of the 20th century Freudians focused on studying various levels and spheres of manifestations of unconscious language and structure in art.


cultural studies, post-modernism, Freudism, literature, model, psychoanalysis, unconscious, values, human, esthetics.

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