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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina, T. N. Altruistic Behavior and Life Success.

Abstract: The article studies the connection between altruistic egoistic models of behavior and personal starvation for life success. As factors defi ning the mentioned above relation the author views time-management ability, intelligence in general, social intelligence and emotional intelligence. It is shown that the connection of intellect with altruistic behavior can be different for the groups with different intellectual and educational levels. The group of people with high education, for instance, showed an evident correlation between the intellect and altruistic behavior. In that group starvation for success (represented as the time-management ability) positively correlates both with the intellect and altruistic behavior. In the group of less educated people, intellect did not correlate with altruistic behavior and some time-management abilities negatively correlated with altruism.


psychology, altruism, egoism, prisoner’s dilemma, life lesson, time-management, intelligence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, cooperation

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