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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Seleznev V.A. Court Enforcement Proceedings in Foreign Countries: Organization Legal Aspects.

Abstract: There are specific traits of enforcement proceedings facilitation in different foreign countries with the purpose of comparative analysis is considered in the article. The author has generated general criteria for enforcement practice systems classification. While considering the questions of organizing the judicial acts and other acts of governmental institutions execution in the countries, where the law may be of different legal frameworks, it makes sense to classify systems of enforcement proceedings as centralized and decentralized. Researching of the foreign enforcement systems the author suggests considering the specifications of functional specializations of bailiffs (enforcement institutions) and determining centralization and decentralization proportion at structural and functional level and at the level of legal regulation of enforcement proceedings.


enforcement proceedings system, bailiff, judicial act, foreign experience of enforcement proceedings, bailiffs’ powers, enforcement units, public legal functions, enforcement arrangement, private enforcement officer

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