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International Law and International Organizations

M. Mandelbaum Overview of the REGULATIONS (EC) about Procedure concerning European Order for Payment and European Small Claims

Abstract: Regulation №1896/2006 of the European Parliament and Council on the European Order for Payment is applied to civil and commercial disputes since December 12, 2008. The aim of this Regulation is to provide a simpler and faster procedure for dispute resolutions and to lower the judicial costs on transborder cases. The object of such an Order may only be monetary claims (with no limit as to amount) of claimant to respondent. The Regulation №861/2007 of the EU Parliament and Council on European Small Claims is in force since January 1, 2009.The key difference between this procedure and the Order for Payment procedure is that the claims are not limited to monetary issues, and the maximal sum of claim is limited to 2000 Euros. Both Regulations include judicial procedure with standard blanks for claimant and respondent, which simplify dealing with the dispute.


EU Parliament, The EU Council, Order for Payment, small claims, judicial procedure, monetary claims, claimant, respondent, the EU.

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