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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

E.N. Popova Activity of the International Labour Organization in the Sphere of Guaranty of the Right to decent work of People with Disabilities

Abstract: This article highlights the immediate problem of guaranty of people’s with disabilities right on decent work. The activity of the International Labour Organization should help forward on solving of this problem. The International Labour Organization is the first international organization which began pays attention to the problems of the right protection of people with disabilities. This article denotes the role of the International Labour Organization in the sphere of the increasing of people with disabilities life, highlights the basis stages of rule–making of the International Labour Organization in this sphere. According to the results of the research author comes to conclusion about necessity of perfection of the labour rights protection system of people with disabilities which represented in the International Labour Organization.


comparative law, right on decent work, the International Labour Organization, people with disabilities, discrimination, equality of the abilities, employment, human rights, employees with disabilities, professional rehabilitation

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