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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Sadovnikova G.D. Review on the Book Strategic Resource of Democracy: Judicial Power on Guard of Electoral Rights of Citizens. Judicial Cases Practice on Protection of Electoral Rights of Citizens of Russian Federation under Redaction of V.M. Lebedev and V.E. Churov

Abstract: In the present review author performs an analyze of the volume from point of view of its actuality and significance for practical and scientific appliance. Special attention is paid to the problem of solution of electoral conflicts by judicial bodies of state power, issues of development of legislation on elections are revealed. The review shall give a reader a full imagination about the contents of the work, its basic terms and ideas, it also shall prepare reader for apprehension all the material that is discussed in the volume


electoral system, judicial power, dispute, judicial bodies of state power, protection of humans rights, judicial practice, electoral laws of RF

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