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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Ergashev V.Yo. Some Issues of Compulsory Termination of the Property Rights in Uzbek civil Legislature

Abstract: The most topical matters of compulsory termination of the property rights in the forms of requisition and nationalization are analyzed in this article. The author emphasizes that the legal rules of the Civil Code, which regulate the process of requisition and nationalization, are vague and too much general. In the opinion of the author this kind of imperfections in the current legislature could lead to some violations of the proprietors’ property rights. Thereby the author’s worthwhile recommendations and propositions on how to further perfect the provisions of Uzbek civil legislature regulating the relations in the process of compulsory termination of the property rights are given in the conclusive part of the article


property right, termination of the property right, nationalization, requisition, property, proprietor, compensation

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