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National Security

Panenkov, A. A. Problems of Prevention of Terrorist Financing in North Caucasian Region

Abstract: The article develops the problems of prevention of terrorist financing in North Caucasian region, Russia. The author showed the Russian normative legal base as well as positions of the Model Law on Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CIS), quoted data from a Report by the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Form on Combating the Financing of Terrorism (United Nations, October 2009), made certain suggestions on improvement of the existing legislation on combating the terrorist financing and rewarding the persons rendering help in deduction, prevention, stopping and investigation of financing of a terrorist action and deduction and arresting the persons preparing, committing or having committed financing of such an action.


economics, terrorist financing, prevention measures by law enforcement agencies and special services struggling with terrorist finan, effectiveness of struggling with terrorist financing, proposals on improvement of existing legislation on war on terr

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