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International Law and International Organizations

Ushakov S.V. The problem of forced execution of the decisions of the International Court of Justice and the law of the UNO

Abstract: In this article the issue of the relation between the UN Security Council and the ICJ it viewed from the point of view of the role of the SC under Art. 94 (2) of the UN Charter, voting in the SC on the project of the Resolution, devoted to enforcement of the decisions of the ICJ. The author also pays attention to the provisions of the Art. 94, 27 of the UN Charter due to the broader competence of the SC under Chapters VI and VII of the UN Charter. Finally, the author pays attention to application of Art. 94 (2) of the UN Charter, with due attention paid to the temporary provisional measures.


international law, jurisprudence, UN, the ICJ, competence, execution, Security Council, the UN Charter

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