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International Law and International Organizations

Guseva, O.V. Legal bases for the capital flow in the EU

Abstract: One of the leaders in the transnational investments flow is the European Union. The European Union has 40% of the accumulated direct investments. Currently it is necessary to consider triple- polar global structure of direct foreign investments: USA, European Union, Japan. Capital flow in the EU is an impressive economic instrument for connecting national economies in the common European economy. Capital flow can be seen as transfer of material (sharing, realty etc.) and monetary resources (credits, bonding etc.) for the purpose of implementation of a certain right or in exchange for certain right. Free capital flow in EU law means revocation of all measures, which undermine conclusion and fulfillment of deals, which are connected with such transfer among the residents of different countries. Close examination of the Maastricht treaty and the specific wording shows that henceforth in accordance with the European Union law the foundation and liquidation of investments carried out inside and outside of the European Union are being liberalized.


European Union, European law, capital flow, foreign investments, treaties on EU, Treaty of Rome, Maastricht treaty, Directive 2004/25/EC, national law unification

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