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International Law and International Organizations

Klevchenkova, M.N. Proprietary rights on securities in international private law

Abstract: Unification of the conflict of law norms on transborder turnover of the securities at the intermediate account is quite topical nowadays. Lack of legal clarity and predictability in the sphere of mediated keeping of securities raises the costs of turnover, credit risks, thus limiting the market of securities. On December 13, 2002 for the purprose of lessening the legal probles related to delegation of rights the international community decided to develop the Convention on the law appplicatble to certain rights to securities, which are kept at the intermediate account. Currently the Convention is signed by two states - USA and Switzerland (July 5, 2006), and the EU expressed its wish to join the Convention as well.


international law, market of securities, operation with securities, property law, contract law, conflict of laws, Hague Conventions, international private law, EU law, securities

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