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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Sultanova, N. D. Migration Movements Across the Territory of Tatarstan in the Context of Personal Oriented Education of Forced Migrants

Abstract: In the epoch of inter-existence, for forced migrants very topical becomes the position directed at the development of international and national identity and broadening of conceptions of policultural migration space where vital strategies and technologies are learnt. It is becoming a necessity to include a psychological program of informal education in the process of adaptation of people of mature age. Special attention is given to the development of national features of migration movements in history, from ancient times till now. The author also focused on the role of migrants and immigrants in overall personal development as well as importance of a strong personal position for people coming back to their historical homeland.


forced migrants, informal formation, mature age, personal-oriented education, themes of psychological program, inter-existence, productive and valuable development, international and national conscious, returning to historical homeland, vital strategies a

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