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Taxes and Taxation

Tyutyuryukov, N. N., Tyutyuryukov, V. N. Kazakhstan – Tax Laboratory of Eurasian Economic Community

Abstract: Kazakhstan was the first in CIS to experience the influence of the world financial crisis. The government of Kazakhstan has a very clear anti-crisis program which includes implementation of certain measures to establish macroeconomic and financial stability, decision of problems on the property market, support of small and middle business and agriculture. Important part of anti-crisis measures is innovative industrial and infrastructural projects. The government of Kazakhstan routinely reduces the tax burden. The authors of the article considered the changes of calculation and payment of corporate income tax, individual income tax, value-added tax, transport, property and land taxes as well as changes in taxation of users of mineral resources.


tax, Kazakhstan, value-added tax, profit, income, mineral resources, policy, administration, property.

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