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Administrative and municipal law

Shikunova, O.G. On Improvement of Legal Mechanisms of International Cooperation at Internal Affairs Agencies of the Russian Federation Regarding Legal Assistance in Criminal and Administrative Cases

Abstract: Review: one of the priorities in foreign policy of the Russian Federation is its participation in international cooperation aimed at opposition to international organized crime. In this respect, special attention should be paid at International Seminar on Legal Cooperation between the European Union and the Russian Federation carried out from 7 to 9 October 2009 in Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia participated, too, since the Ministry is a competent authority in rendering legal assistance in criminal and administrative cases as well as one of the initiators of ratification of the European Convention on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters (1972).


international cooperation, organized criminal activity, legal assistance, extradition, transfer of proceedings in criminal matter, legal proceeding, requesting party, requested party

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