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National Security

Tsyganov, V. V., Borodin, V. A., Shishkin, G. B. Anti-crisis Planning and Managing Scientific and Technological Progress

Abstract: In the article it is evidently shown that the world crisis is nothing more but the completion phase of another global cycle of centralization and liberation. In order to overcome the crisis state institutions are using centralized government now. However, in Russia the period of centralization is much longer than the period of linearization. Therefore, it will be essential to change the liberal identity of Russia's elite. Economic and political security of Russia needs a new system of state planning and management of economy and scientific and technological progress. Creation of a Russian center of the capital, in its turn, is closely connected with the development of intellectual organizations which compatibility would be based on the results of fundamental scientific researches.


security, state institution, system, planning, management, progress, capital, intellect, company

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