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National Security

Poltarakov, A. Yu. State Institution as an Actor of International Security: Functional and Thematic Approach

Abstract: In the international context, special attention should be paid at functional and thematic structuring of a 'state hierarchy' within the system of modern international relationships through the prism of their 'political influence' as subjects of international security. According to the system approach, hierarchy of international security structure determines how state institutions behave, by 'suggesting' or openly 'forcing' their role within which these subjects of international security must perform their functions. In other words, the question is the 'functional roles' of state institutions as the key actors of international security. Based on their functional role, a state institution can be 1) 'superpower' or a global leader, 2) 'great power' (global), 3) regional leader, 4) 'average state', 5) 'small state'. Based on their role or a thematic function, a state institution can be a state-partner or a state-outsider. It is also necessary to distinguish the actual status of a state institution (its objective status based on its resource potentials).


social studies, security, state institution, role, function, status, international hierarchy, typology, structured thematic approach

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