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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina, T. N. Myths about Nanopsychology and the Sense of Smell

Abstract: Review: the author analyzed all conceptions of nanopsychology in our country. There is quite a wide range of those, from totally unscientific to the conceptions closely related to psychology. The most serious approaches seem to be the quantum theories of the mind and the approach which considers nanopsychology as a part of engineering psychology, viewing the relationship between a man and a machine. The author suggested her own approach to the problem as well. In particular, she talked about influencing nanotechnological processes through odorants, - chemical substances evolved by a human being in the form of fragrances when he changes his functional status


psychology, fragrances, smell, nan psychology, emotions, nanotechnologies, consciousness, engineering psychology, quantum effects, studies of virtual world

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