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National Security

Dyshekov, A.Z. Security of property: condition and problems of state protection of property within the system of Ministry of Iinternal Affairs of Russia.

Abstract: uarantees of property security. The author comes to a conclusion that it’s necessary to establish legal regulation of state protection of property in the parallel with the administrative and civil law. At the same time, it’s noted that the relations, which form in the sphere of protection of objects, subject to obligatory protection by MIA, should be regulated by norms of administrative law, and the rest of cases with the norms of civil law. The author also provides his authorial concept of development of the system of state property protection of the requisite objects. The author also analyzes the key means of support of the activities by the MIA in the sphere of property protection by physical and legal persons. Keywords: jurisprudence, security, protection, MIA, agreement, theft, property, concept

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