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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

KHLESTOVA I.O. UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: Recent Trend

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the revision of UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization on December 15, 1976 (Resolution 31/98). UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules is an effective remedy for the settlement of disputes arising from both commercial and non-commercial contracts. The revision is carried out within the framework of the UNCITRAL Working group on arbitration. The article deals with New rules introduced by Working Group on arbitration. Provisions regarding scope of application of the Arbitration Rules, appointment of arbitrators, arbitral proceedings etc. are investigated. Key words: comparative law, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, revision, appointment of arbitrators, arbitration agreement, arbitration clause, arbitral award, competitive authority, guarantee measures

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