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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

ASTANIN V.V. International Cooperation of the Russian Federation in the Field of Struggle against Corruption (on the Latest Amendments of the Russian Legislation)

Abstract: The article deals with certain aspects of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of struggle against corruption which is one of the mainstreams under international law. The author pays particular attention to the policy of Russian Federation based on the core principle of international cooperation within the framework of multilateral conventions such as the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (October, 31st, 2003) and the Council of Europe’s Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (January, 27th, 1999), as well as agreements with the countries of Commonwealth of Independent States such as the Cooperation agreement of the State Offices of Public Prosecutors of the countries-participants of the Commonwealth in struggle against corruption (April, 25th, 2007). Key words: comparative law, corruption, corrupt practice, bribery, public prosecutor's office, international cooperation of the Russian Federation, GRECO, UNO, CIS

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