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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

MARCOU GéRARD Function of Legal Expertize of the Central Bodies. Comparative Approach

Abstract: The article of a prominent French scholar is dedicated to the function of legal expertize of the central bodies that is a procedure of expression of opinions (individually or collectively) for the administrative bodies, authorized to make decisions concerned. The author believes that the function of legal expertize should be separated from the advisory authorities of central and local governments and allocates five forms which legal advisory function of the central bodies can take based on the idea that it can be entrusted to various establishments according to an administrative history of a country. They are: 1) the advisory function related to debatable function within the Council of State; 2) the advisory function, attributed to the collegiate body under the Government; 3) the advisory function attached to authorities of an executive power; 4) the advisory function integrated into a governmental body; 5) special institute under the Government, obliged to carry out legal expertize on its inquiries. Key words: comparative law, legal expertize of the central bodies, function of legal expertise, the Council of State, Advocate General of the Crown, the collegiate body under the Government, special institute under the Government

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