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Administrative and municipal law

Svininykh, O.Y. Topical problems of execution of powers of the border guard bodies of the Federal Security Service in the sphere of ensuring national security in the marine border territory

Abstract: the article provided is quite topical nowadays, and it is due to a number of issues. First of all, the existing administrative legislation, which established the competence of the border guard bodies has certain shortcomings. Secondly, ,the growing number of threats to the national interests in the marine borderline territory are mostly related not to armed force attacks, but rather to the trans-border organized crime. Thirdly, the administrative reform in the Russian Federation lead to destruction of the of the body responsible for the marine borders. Fourthly, the formation of the new units within the new structure means continuing reform. The article is devoted to the problems of realization of powers of the board guards, and possible ways to overcome difficulties.


zashchita informatsii, taina, kriptografiya, shifrovanie, informatsionnoe vzaimodeistvie.

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