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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina, T. N. Basic emotions and smells: association experiment.

Abstract: The article is devoted to studying associative bonds between basic emotions and smells. The research evidently proved that there were tolerant associations between positive emotions and some elementary smells: pleasure was associated with fruity (etheric) odors, joy – with flowery fragrances, surprise and interest – with fresh smells. It was found out that the negative emotion of disgust was associated with the decomposed odor. Association areas of anger and fear were somehow over crossed which was explained by the fact that some probationers associated their own odors with their own emotions while others associated odors coming from the others with their response emotions. Based on the theoretical analysis, the researcher supposed that fear was probably related to acid smells while anger was related to musk odors. Noteworthy that sadness was the richest in associations. People often associate it with the smell of camphor, burning, bitterness, hospital and etc. Received data were interpreted from the point of view of the evolutionary model of the bonds between emotions and smells.


emotions, smells, associations

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