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Administrative and municipal law

Cherkasov, K.V. On the issue of optimization of territorial management in Russia

Abstract: This article is devoted to perspectives of optimization of state territorial education in Russia via establishment of the territorial bodies of the federal executive bodies at the Federal District level, and at the same time the liquidation (reorganization) of the territorial bodies of federal executive branch at the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and the transfer of their powers to either the territorial bodies of the federal executive branch at the federal district level, as well as to the executives of the constituent subjects themselves. The author establishes the need for the two-tier (and in some limited cases – three – tier) system of federal executive bodies.


administrative reform, executive body of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation, the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation at the Federal District, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Russian Federation at a federa

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