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Administrative and municipal law

Karpukhin, D.V. Legal problems of eviction of people from the housing co-operatives and housing construction cooperatives

Abstract: This article is devoted to the problem of eviction of persons from housing and housing construction co-operatives. The article includes detailed analysis of the problems of the housing legislation, which includes evaluation of rights and obligations of the members of such co-operatives, as well as the analysis of the problem of analogy of law to the eviction relations in this sphere. In the final part of the article, the author establishes the ways to improve normative legal basis on eviction from such types of housing. In the author’s point of view one of the means to overcome the existing legal problems could be the typical Articles of the Housing Co-operatives, which would be accepted at the federal level and should include detailed obligations of members of such co-operatives, which in turn would unify the judicial practice on eviction.


non-commercial juridical entity, housing co-operative, housing construction co-operative, eviction, analogy of law, blank in a law, typical contract

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