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Politics and Society

Kalabekova S.V. Cosmopolitanism vs patriotism and the context of globalization

Abstract: The object of this article is the examination of globalization trends, while the subject is the social essence and forms of manifestation of cosmopolitanism and patriotism. The author reviews the controversial unity and interconditionality of these phenomena, their impact upon formation of global thinking and ethnic self-consciousness. The work analyzes correspondence of the cosmopolitan values to the nature of globalization, their conjunction with the values of universalism. Special attention is turned to the dependence of advancement of the globalization process from the combination of cosmopolitan and local patriotic practices. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of a thesis on the complicated nature of cosmopolitanism and patriotism. The ideas of cosmopolitanism emerged in the course of historical development, being in demand by the circumstances of national and political life, as well as requirements of the civilizational development. The following conclusions were formulated: the importance of cosmopolitan orientations and patriotic values actualizes by the requirements of globalization; 2) the logic of modern development suggests interdependence and interconditionality of these imperative trends of globalization.


Tradition, Locus, Identification, Fragmentation, Universalism, Nationalism, Liberalism, Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, Globalization

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