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Politics and Society

Kshemenetskaya M.N. Contemporary mechanisms and techniques of political communication in the state administration of Russia

Abstract: The subject of this research is the contemporary mechanisms and techniques of political communication as the process and structure of information exchange between the key political actors in the state administration of Russia. The article examines such mechanisms of political communication as: 1) mechanism of long-term and trustworthy communication between the bodies of government authority and society; 2) mechanism of political communication on the central, regional, and local levels of making state decisions; 3) mechanism of electronic government communication; 4) mechanism of electronic political participation in state administration. Within the framework of the highlighted mechanisms, the author reviews such the electronic techniques of political communication in state administration, which transform the nature of communication between the government, mass media, and society. The scientific novelty consists in consideration of the modern models of e-democracy and its techniques (electronic petitions and consultations, involvement into the conducted political course, public diplomacy, increase of transparency of the government activity, overcome of the digital gap), as well as in the mechanism of political communication on the central, regional, and local levels of making state decisions, models of e-government, and peculiarities of electronic political participation.


electronic participation, e-government, e-democracy, levels of state decision-making, public administration, political communication, technology, mechanism, mass media, Russia

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