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Politics and Society

Demetradze M.R. Vertically-ascending strategy and horizontally-descending processes of the transitional period. Institutional and non-institutional processes of modernization

Abstract: The subject of this research is the detection of peculiarities of the transitional period of the post-Soviet societies; the goal of the work is the reduction of the gap between them and the developed countries of the world, as well as the conditions encouraging the growth of the social wellness of the regular members of society and their inclusion into the modern processes of globalization. The author examines the socializing, leading, and adapting mechanisms that determine the strategy of the innovational reforms; categories of the sociocultural space, networking and hierarchical types of organization of the political system, criteria of assessment of the efficiency of the government administration, and others are being featured. The author suggests using the global experience of scientific study of sociocultural processes that would help to establish the work models and hypotheses of control over political processes of the transitional period of the post-Soviet societies. The applied sociological, political, anthropological, and sociocultural methods of the research demonstrated that modernization of the post-Soviet societies requires reforms and giving the processes of transformation the goal-oriented and rational-constructive character. This work analyzes the specificity of the transitional period on the post-Soviet space, as well as the conditions which positively or negatively affect these processes.


ierarkhicheskii tip organizatsii, setevaya forma politiki, sotsializatsiya, strategiya razvitiya, , perekhodnyi period, , , traditsionnoe obshchestvo, strategii modernizatsii

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