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Politics and Society

Zelenkov M.Yu. Socio-political aspects of the destruction volunteer of the White movement Russia (1917-1920)

Abstract: Abstract: The Object of this study is to volunteer White movement in Soviet Russia in the period from 1917 to 1920, the author of the article on the basis of the analysis of activity of the volunteer of the White movement and consider it from the standpoint of political science and systems approach defines, explains and reveals the content of the main socio-political factors which, he believes, led to the defeat of the volunteer White army in Soviet Russia. In addition, the author also concludes that due to the presence of these factors and the neglect of them by the command of the White movement his defeat was predetermined at the stage of nucleation. This is the scientific novelty of the study. Special attention is paid to the description of relationships between identified factors, as well as the author's understanding of their contents basis. Scientific results allowed us to validate the conclusion that one of the main negative factors in the activities of the White movement in Soviet Russia was the rate of his command on volunteerism, and in a timely manner was not supported by the formal mobilization of human resources to fight against the new regime of the Bolsheviks.


society, politics, socio-political factor, the officer corps, Russian army, volunteering, White movement, Russia, the Cossacks, the power

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