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Politics and Society
Karpovich O.G. (2015). The role of the Internet technologies in realization of scenarios of the color revolutions of "Arab Spring" (on the example of Egypt). Politics and Society, 11, 1486–1494.
Karpovich O.G. The role of the Internet technologies in realization of scenarios of the color revolutions of "Arab Spring" (on the example of Egypt)Abstract: This article is dedicated to the study of the role of information technology and services in the realization of scenario of the 2011 color revolution in Egypt, which carried the name of "Twitter Revolution." The object of study is the color revolution of 2011 in Egypt that led to the coup and the overthrow of the President Hosni Mubarak. The subject of this research is the forms and methods of the use of Internet technologies and services in the mechanisms of conflict management to mobilize citizens and political protest in the Egyptian Color Revolution of 2011.The author draws attention to the fact that the color revolution of "Arab Spring" threw Egypt a few steps back – deprived of its independence in making foreign policy decisions, deprived the region of stability, and encouraged the activity of terrorist organizations. The Internet technology played a crucial role in mobilization of the Egyptian youth and their involvement into the protest movement; it is the namely the youth who gave the Cairo protest movement its massiveness. The Internet, compared to the other sources of information, which represent the potential instruments of the color revolution, had more freedom in Egypt, than television, newspapers, etc. If the main emphasis in promoting and preparing the revolution was made through telecommunication, most likely the failure of the "Twitter" revolution would be inevitable. Keywords: international conflicts, diplomacy, coup d’état, global instability, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, state, safety, color revolutions
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