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Politics and Society

Karpov V.A. Basic Trends of the Development of the Ideas of the "Rule-of-Law" Statehood in the Foreign Science and Practice in the XX - the beginning of the XXI centuries

Abstract: The topic of the research in the present article is the generalisation of some trends of the post-classical stage in the development of the concept of the "rule-of law" state in Western countries, including the development of the ideas of the "rule-of-law" statehood in the works of contemporary foreign legal experts, as well as peculiarities and problems of modern international legal confirmation of the category of a "rule-of-law" state. The analysis of the text of international documents allows to say that regarding the concept of the "rule-of law" state, there is generally no unified terminology - international acts adopt both the rule of law and the rule of legislation. At the same time, the rule of legislation is fixed in some international documents. The lack of terminological uniformity in the understanding of the concept of the "rule-of law" state in international documents does not entirely comply with the aims and objectives of the implementation of this concept into the relations between modern states on the international level. In this connection, the principle of the rule of law is of higher priority. Contemporary western legal studies has been showing a trend that negatively impacts the condition of scientific elaboration of the doctrine of the "rule-of law" state - namely, the number of works on fundamental problems of constitutional law is decreasing. The methodological basis of the research is comprised by the fundamental provisions of the theory of state and law, comparative analysis of the research principles of different schools and approaches, the method of the analysis of publications existing in this field, traditional scientific methods (deduction, induction, system approach, comparative method, etc.), as well as special scientific methods: historical and formal legal. The article draws a conclusion about the necessity to realise the difference of matrixes of the "rule-of-law" statehood existing in modern multipolar world, to compare their advantages and disadvantages, to determine the future-oriented ways of the development of the concept of the "rule-of law" state, taking into account the changing realia of contemporary world and real practical experience of establishing the "rule-of law" state in different countries. The concept of the "rule-of law" state can and should be transformed by the legal science and practice of every state in compliance with the peculiarities of its state and legal model, traditions of statehood, the objective level of the national legal consciousness  and civil society. The principle of evolutionary organic establishment of the "rule-of-law" statehood based on the national legal traditions should be admitted to be the governing principle in the new millennium.


"rule-of-law" state, evolution of the "rule-of-law" statehood, foreign countries, international legal confirmation, categories of the "rule-of-law" state, rule of law, reel of legislation, international documents, political pluralism, guarantees of the parties

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