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Politics and Society

Kovalev I.G. The British Monarchy: Contemporary Role and the Issue of Modernisation

Abstract: The article examines the peculiarities of the modern state and significance of Great Britain's oldest institution - monarchy. Reasons and directions of the critique of this form of government, which arises from time to time, are considered in detail; the points of its supporters and detractors are analysed. A concern regarding the necessity of consolidation and modernisation of the British monarchy is brought up, and the major problems and challenges it faces nowadays are observed. Balanced and pragmatic approach of the British politicians to the issues of reforming of such important state institution is noted. Preparation, specific content and significance of the reforms conducted in the last years to adapt the monarchy to the modern realia are analysed. Methodology of the present study is defined by its complex interdisciplinary nature, which implies the use of techniques and approaches commonly found in history, political science, law, economics and sociology. At that, the priority importance is attached to the principle of historicism, which means a scientific explanation of phenomena, objects and events in certain historical conditions and interdependences in order to reveal the trends of their development and the reasons for qualitative changes. Another basic principle of the present article is the principle of scientific objectiveness. It means renuncation of stereotyped attitude towards the object of research. Scientific novelty of the paper resides in the fact that this is the first Russian research on the issues of reforming the British monarchy in the beginning of the present century. Considerable attention paid in the United Kingdom to the institution of monarchy and the problems of its modernisation during the last decades indicates its important role in the system of central control. Nowadays, the Queen still maintains her significance as a national symbol, a guardian of traditions, a guarantor of the country's unity. The British monarchy demonstrates the obvious ability to correspond to the modern realia, to adapt to the changing conditions of economic, political and social development, to keep the prestige and popularity in the eyes of its subjects.


Labourites, Conservatives, Great Britain, policy, modernisation, reforms, monarchy, Parliament, Crown, succession

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