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Politics and Society
Vladimirova T.V. (2015). Network Practice of Information Security. Politics and Society, 2, 250–261.
Vladimirova T.V. Network Practice of Information SecurityAbstract: The subject of the proposed study is the description of the social network of practices aimed at ensuring security in the Internet environment.The author examines several aspects of the activity of subjects in the safety set by the nature of social communication in cyberspace and network, streaming the organization of the virtual space of the Internet. Risks and threats in the Network formed by the presence/absence information and the increasing rate of obsolescence information. Social actors produce all new practices to protect the interests and security, including in the virtual reality of cyberspace. These practices are associated with information security and protection of information, and facilitate orientation in the information space Network, with the aim of obtaining new information. The theoretic-methodological basis of research is the socio-philosophical and sociological theory. The author refers to the ideas of Maltsev, Nazarchuk, Ivanov and others. In her research Vladimirova has used the network and information approaches. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has identified the specific social practices of security on the Internet. The formation of personal micro-networks, clonable cell network and their ability to high variability are peculiarities of network security practices. Practices of cultivation of "temporal gaps" and / or "bridge gaps" are also viewed as a tool of information security and protection of information. Standard practices of Internet safety today are "risk taking" and "comfortable anomie" which only encourage further multiplication of threats to information security. Keywords: information security, network practices, comfort anomie, temporal gaps, social norm, multifactorial regulation, weak ties networks, freedom risk, burden mobility, cyberspace
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