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Politics and Society
Bogdan, V. V. (2014). Private Law and Public Law Grounds for Regulation of Consumer Rights Protection in Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 1404–1411.
Bogdan, V. V. Private Law and Public Law Grounds for Regulation of Consumer Rights Protection in RussiaAbstract: The main topic under research is the balance of private law and public law rounds in the process of regulation of consumer rights protection in the sphere of economics. The author insists that at the present time Russia cannot refuse from state control over consumer rights protection because the most of public law acts usually precede private law acts in this sphere. The author studies both legal aspects of regulation of relations between consumer and entrepreneur and judicial practice on the matter. The methodological basis for the research involves general scientific (analysis, analogy and system) and special legal research methods. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that the author shows an unconditional need for the influence of public law grounds on regulation of any relations involving consumers. As a result, the author concludes that the mechanisms of public protection of consumer rights are conditioned by the interests of the entire society, recognized by the state and lie in the basis of the economic development. According to the author, the fact that it is necessary to raise the role of state in consumer rights protection is proved by the development of the Russian society itself. In the Russian society restriction of these or those private interests lead to achievement of the public wealth, satisfaction of public needs, guarantee of a stable civil (trade) turnover. Keywords: consumer, state, rights protection, private law, public law, interaction, economic entity, interest.
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