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Politics and Society

Kabanov, P. A. Public Inspection of the Activity of Public Authorities as a Form of Public Control in the Sphere of Anti-Corruption Measures: Defi nition and Contents

Abstract: The subject under research is the definition and content of public inspection of the activity of public authorities as a form of public control in the sphere of anti-corruption measures. The main purpose of the research is to reveal the content and provide the definition of public inspection of public authorities as a form of public control in the sphere of anti-corruption measures and to develop a new legal category of this form of public control. Tasks of the research include the following: a) to analyze legal acts and to describe the content of public inspection of public authorities as a form of public control in the sphere of anti-corruption measures, b) to develop a new legal category ‘public inspection as a form of public control in the sphere of anti-corruption measures’; c) to make recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of implementation of public inspections in the sphere of anti-corruption measures; d) to define promising directions of research in the sphere of anti-corruption measures related to public inspections. Methodological base of the research includes the dialectic materialism and universal scientific research methods based thereupon such as comparison, analysis, synthesis and others used in social sciences. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that this the first research in Russian law to study public inspection as a form of public control in the sphere of anti-corruption measures, to provide a description of this procedure, to offer a new legal category and to define further directions of research of the given form of public control.


Corruption, anti-corruption measures, anti-corruption policy, actors of public control, public control, public inspection, institutions of civil society, anti-corruption legislation, forms of public control, control.

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