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Politics and Society

Kurbanov, P. A. Legal Regulation of Coal Mining Industry and Coal Electric Energy Industry (North America)

Abstract: The article contains the analysis of the legislation of Canada, the United States of America and Mexico regulating the sector of coal mining industry and coal electric energy industry. It is quite an interesting fact that in Canada this sector is mostly regulated at the provincial level and there is only one law passed at the federal level while in the USA the third part of all legal acts regulating coal electric energy industry is adopted at the federal level. In Mexico the authorities to regulate the electric energy sector is fully assigned to the federal government. Despite the fact that the production of energy using coal has been regarded to be a faulty (environmentally unsafe) technology, a great share of the production is still run in this way. Geopolitical factors show that, for instance, coal will remain the main energy source of the USA in the future. In the light of these facts, recently legal regulation of all activities related to coal (coal mining, coal conversion and etc.) has been mostly oriented at achieving environmental targets and imperatives.


North America, coal mining industry, electric energy law, electric energy industry, federal legislation, environmental studies, concessions, distribution of authorities, taxation, energy supply.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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