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Politics and Society

Nanoskin, V. V. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Studying the System of Education in Modern Society

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main approaches to studying the system of education in modern science. The author analyzes advantages and disadvantages of these approaches and defines special and integral methods of studying the system of education. In the Russian Federation the system of education traditionally means a combination of successive educational programs of different levels and orientations with federal state educational standards and federal state requirements on one hand and a network of educational institutions and research organizations on the other hand. This is a many-level, branched and quite dynamic network of formal establishments and informal communities that have long established, steady and many-level economic, social, political, psychological and cultural relations with one another and the outside environment. This is a very important system for human and society in general which allows to define the system of education as one of the spheres of social life.


society, politics, education, Russia, system, state, interests, values, security, development.

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