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Politics and Society

Tikhonov, A. V. Legal Aspects of State Property Management

Abstract: The article is devoted to particular legal issues of managing state property according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes goals and targets of state management and provides a summary of implementation of particular management methods. The article studies legal status of state authorities authorized to manage state property, in particular, former Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation and current Federal Agency for State Property Management and describes their functions in certain spheres of state management. In addition, the author underlines that the aforesaid executive authority is not the only authorized agency to manage state property. The author analyzes possibilities for expansion of the triad of legal managerial powers and makes conclusions about a need to improve the Russian Federation legislation in the sphere of state property management in order to use it more efficiently for the benefit of state and society.


state institution, property, state property, ministry, agency, management, powers, lease, privatization, efficiency.

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