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Politics and Society

Tokar, N.O. Political socialization of the youth in the conditions of democratization of the Russian society

Abstract: Development of the political system of Russia, transfer to the rule-of-law state and civil society are dependent upon participation of all of the social groups, including the youth. Formation of the young people as citizens is closely connected with the political socialization problem. Growing value of the political socialization is due first of all to the need to form new civil characteristics, legal and political culture for the young people. The article includes analysis of the key forms and institutions of the political socialization of the youth, thanks to which the youth shall join in the democratic values. The author comes to a conclusion that political socialization of the youth should become a part of a state youth policy. In the conditions of a sustainable political system the education of the youth, including its political socialization, shall allow to guarantee a rather harmonic transfer of the key political values from the older generation to the younger generation. Their recognition shall allow the youth to recognize legitimacy of political power and political system.


a-socialization, social des-adaptation, de-socialization, political socialization, system of education, family, mass media, political parties, youth, political culture.

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