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Politics and Society

Koren, R. V. Conciliarism and Globalism: Comparative Analysis from the Point of View of Theology and Cultural Studies

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to show the difference between conciliarism and globalism that sometimes remains undistinguished by politicians, social activists and humanitarians. At the same time, the author uses theological and culturological approaches to studying the problem. It expands the evidential base and creates a didactic effect for all church and society people. From the ontological point of view, conciliarism is the higher principle of unity because it is created by the ideal beginning. Globalism is the method of uniting based on the material beginning. Different ontology is the feature of connections in these systems, too. In global studies only mechanic and organic connections exist. Conciliarism creates the highest organic hierarchic system. Global connections are mostly material. But the main difference is that conciliarism is the unity made by the ‘God’s till’ while globalism is the unity made by the '‘Prince of Peace’'.


cultural research, society, ‘subtle’ policy, theology, national unity, globalism, ontology, union, connection, fundamental nature.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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