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Politics and Society

Kodan, S. V. Class Stratification of the Society and Laws on the Status of Russian Supreme Power Policy (1800 – 1850)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the role and place of class stratification of the society in social government of the Russian empire. The author of the article studies the political and legal context of the problem, describes the legal nature of classes and systematizes the relevant laws as a part of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. The author also analyzes the Code of Laws on the Status published in 1832-1857 for the grounds of legal status of the main classes.


history of Russian state institution and law, structure of society, organization of government, state regime, classes, status, class legislation, Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, Code of Laws on the Status.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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