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Politics and Society

Sidorkin, S. S. Features of Change of Persons in Obligations Related to Intellectual Property

Abstract: The intellectual rights to results of intellectual activity and the means of an individualization equal to them are a special version of the civil rights and can have both property, and personal non-property character to be as turnover capability object, and not to participate in a civil turn that is defi ned by specifi city of the non-material legal nature of intellectual property. In the present article the separate problems connected with assignment in sphere of intellectual property, in particular, change of persons in obligations in sphere of intellectual property, a parity of the given institute with assignment in exclusive rights and rights of use of protected objects are considered. The author does a conclusion about inexpediency of application of institute of change of persons in the obligation to relations on transition of the intellectual rights.


intellectual property, intellectual rights, assignment, change of persons in the obligation, a concession of the right of the requirement, debt transfer, an exclusive right, contracts about the order exclusive rights, the license contract, the contract on exclusive right alienation.

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